
From the depths of darkness that conceals all and everything in its path, leaving vague guesses at what might be hidden within its depth, remains a secret until light gradually works its way through the darkness, caressing, touching surfaces, creating many forms and shapes until it reveals the awaited visual stimulation for our eyes to feast upon.

I entered this world in Cambridge England, since then travel was always a thing since childhood forth, sponging in endless amounts of knowledge through reading, observations and information being conveyed.

It has been a huge benefit to have worked and lived abroad in different countries, learning languages, cultures and experiencing so much diversity.

As for my artistic talent to draw, paint etc. This was my gift, it has been of a great benefit to me, leading me into a career of graphic, then product design gaining many experiences in the industry world-wide. Although this is only one of the many occupations I have experienced along the way, I spent some time down the coal mines, was part of the British Army and many more occupations along the way. .

Acclaimed to this I had managed to receive 51 design prizes world-wide, losing count of how many patents were filed.

Leaving that career behind, my attention has been focused on connecting the knowledge’s into paintings, illustrations, carvings and more in my own unique way.

One finds no limits as to materials and ways to express something. We set our own restrictions which could be dictated by various circumstances.

As with most uniqueness, not all of my works will find favour by viewers. Knowledge can be quite a controversial issue, however the opinions are, either positive or negative from viewers/readers, but as long as I can share it, this is an accomplishment that all of it was deemed for.

We are all creative magicians, diverse as the worlds own diversity. Take it or leave it, no harm done.

It would take a book to list a full bibliography of the books, authors and all the pages with relevant information that have added to the list of knowledge. This is not my purpose, that has been accomplished by many since the records of time, however, all the credit is due to them, I am simply an abstract continuing this trait.

There have also been many people contributing to sharing knowledge in my time-line who I would also like to credit for their contribution, putting the puzzle together. Although names may have opinions attached to them, it would be foolish not to take the nuggets of relevance and use them if that knowledge resonates with you. These people are controversial yet relevant.

Victor Schauberger, Walter Russell, Nikola Tesla, Ralph Ellis, Santos Bonacci, David Icke, Chief Iron Bush, Martin Liedtke, Jason Breshears from Archaix, Joseph Gregory Hallett to mention a few, they have a relevance, to stir thought and produce facts.

The story behind the paintings

Growth & Choice

I use my form of art to express parts of the story and of the many elements and people of this, what we call earthly experience.

The first painting in an eight part series is named “Growth & Choice” Depicting the higher self outside of the simulation, seen as four white glowing balls, connecting through and into the avatar which is inside the construct, presented by three glowing balls connected to the Red and Blue veins into the black box. Red and Blue being the electric pulse of “Life” Red=lowest frequency and Blue the highest here.

We enter into an inherited avatar of either a male or female, which is within the black box System of systems.

Here is where our magic begins on the Soul journey of our Spirit. “Getting out of the box or remain within it? “Made in the Image of our creator” Image = I the Mage or Magi.

At the centre there is a book containing knowledge, in days past a tree would have symbolise the same (Usually an oak tree).

Two open pages depict, left, a being with a fishtail which implies the Anunna who were known by many names over time, also known as the Sea Peoples. Babylon named them the Anunnaki to which there is a huge data bank full of knowledge attached to these beings..

To the right is the stylised Phoenix inside a circle which tells of the repetitive cycles. An event protocol within this construct. A piece of knowledge well hidden since the 1902 AD event, yet the periodicity of this protocol is self referencing within the Great Pyramid, discovered by many in the past. Although we once had a 360 day year which changed with a huge cataclysmic event in 552 AD, to a 365 day year, the phoenix never changed when it arrived, every 16th - 17th May, proving the simulation because the phoenix always arrived on the same date although the calendar days changed!

Both the Phoenix and Nemesis X are what appear to be (Weapons) quite destructive when they appear. The Phoenix tends to be more prejudice resulting in areas of earth or a peoples being destroyed or disappeared. Nemesis X involves all of earth! Both bring upheaval and introduce new things or peoples although the Nemesis is a systemic reset. Their accounts are numerous throughout recorded history yet kept a well hidden secret.

Below are torn pages of those from the past, which seem to have a continuous influence today. The red torn bookmarker indicates the tongue of a snake, simply meaning there is a duality here, or “BLACK & WHITE” and everything else in-between!

Golden liquid mixed with water are two base elements that symbolise “Water”, a container of information which can exist in three different states. Liquid, Ice or as a Vapour. Gold is non corruptible. Gold – Authenticity-Authority-Autonomy. In the periodic table it is AU.

Gold is malleable in different states yet remains consistent in its purity. Our avatars also contain small traces of gold.

There are either side golden ellipse with a keyhole, this unlocks access to venture into this realm of the construct through an obtained avatar to experience things within this earthly domain, however this same access point also implies our exit out of here, returning to source, accomplished by discovering who and what we really are and owning it, although when this occurs, the construct will want to eject us anyway because we have arrived at our destination. The alternative is to reincarnate which some may wish to do?

The vastness above is almost fluid, full of intriguing particles indicating the vastness and infinite possibilities of interactions. Interconnected lines which have station points suggest the possibility of there being more than one place like earth, each with its own adventures and lessons to learn.

Below the fluidity reflects the infinite interactions of what we call “The Materialistic” world. Forming and transitioning.

That describes the obvious visuals of the painting although in the other seven paintings the theme of knowledge continues, revealing what I have come to know.

An introduction as to how such paintings found their origins.

Growth and Choices be the origins of our beginnings, nurtured into how to perceive the many realities surrounding us.

Our names are gifted to us = An Inheritance. Our Avatars are gifted to us = An Inheritance.

All forms of realities we enter into are also an Inheritance.

We should then ask the question, who, what and where are we? For starters, it’s known also as the Moon-Saturn matrix.

This is a deep yet simple subject, the interpretations of which, is left to us to decode as we traverse our existence(s). There is more than enough to do or participate in, discerning whilst developing along the way.

Obviously, this may seem an over simplification yet all and everything will depend on “Who” is providing what information and where it derived from. Wisdom is applied knowledge. On the journey we should continuously update and edit our knowledge’s.

Our perceived reality is much easier to interpret in this age of technology, mainly because the language has been developed to accompany the age of technology.

Much is hidden or veiled, yet eventually one will be quite able to decipher facts from fiction, however, this discovery has quite a bitter taste at first. Dismantling and ridding of provided belief systems is not always an easy task for many.

Of all the “stages” of entertainment of the “World Theatre”, they all mirror an original, used to corrupt or divert ones mind (field of information) Contaminating knowledge between fact and fiction, this is the duality to experience here.

It would best described as “What will one consume their “TIME” with”? Everything is separated and compartmentalised, where as we should be Re-Paring, meaning bringing two back into being one. Or, remember= Re- Member, to bring back together.

The turning of the stars gives us the idea of perceiving movement of time, a way to anchor things to. If we didn’t have the notion of “Time” then calendars wouldn’t exist neither. A foundation to record facts, repetitions and other occurrences.

Calendars are a crucial detail to deciphering this and those many other realities gone before. One may eventually discover that there are mathematically repetitive cycles (Protocols), some might even call them catastrophic.

Once the mind is stretched with new concepts and knowledge which are reflected from multiple frames of reference, then a very strong picture emerges, one very different than what the system provides us with.

It becomes blatantly obvious that the mathematics of this realm are way too perfect for us to exist in a world of “Natural Selection”, Natural Chaos or Natural disasters.

The path to discovering who and what we are as well as identifying where we are, has no direct path, this be through the choices of the many roads of diversification which for some, lead to the ultimate facts and knowledge or one remains content with the provided programs.

One thing is for a certainty; this theatre is run and maintained by an overwhelmingly parasitical nature, people also selling themselves out to the deception of a materialistic world, driven mainly by greed and ego, although it seems to be what is programmed to be, alternate experiences, negative feeding off of the positive although positive also collapses and becomes negative only to regain itself back into positive “Duality”.

Copying and mimicking everything, looks and feels like the real thing but isn’t. Nothing is excluded; even languages have been altered to accommodate the creation of a two tier system, “Double Speak”

The first accommodates the collective masses (Mankind) who then become part of the box system of systems, not by conscious choice but more by being hypnotised through deception. “TRUST MISPLACED” Some here consciously choose the Box system. Neither directions are wrong as we are eternal, its infinite possibilities within a confined field is what we experience here.

The Original coexists and is there for the higher developed consciousness to discover and use, very empowering yet will face endless attacks by the collective masses that support the parasitical belief systems of their realities, one that was provided for them, to occupy their existence with the alternative inheritance. The others of us (known as the Christ) no longer belong to the titled Mankind. There is much to know about what the Christ really means and where it derives from. Its basically a title.

There are many questions, many answers and many paths in each simulation we inherit. We can partake in whatever we choose to, or become consciously aware of the origins, where the real power is to which we can tap into and use to our advantage. This realm is a contained environment, one to partake in and experience, until a soul has gained enough knowledge, to a point of saturation, whereby the simulacrum as well as Artificial X will want to eject you/us.

The word “Parasite” is no different than the term “Virus” Both are infective invaders. Virus being the same as a computer program becoming corrupted. Whilst creating the computer technology backdoors were also inserted into all devises, meaning the idea of a virus infecting ones device is another illusion created by those who put the technology out there in the first place. Strange why everything developed is also used as a weapon. This reflects a cult of harm and death. However, a parasite or Virus can only exist if there is a host!

This very same technology once again being sold as a benefit for the people whereby it has made people complacent, lazy minded which has also changed peoples physicality. Trust misplaced in the provided system of a parasitical nature.

No Host = No Parasite = No Virus and no experiencing duality.

This earthly realm is a simulacrum of a real world outside of this contained field, a place to recognise and solve problems, grow and develop our uniqueness of character.

Mathematical positive and negative energies dancing with each other yet never destroyed, they simply transmute.

Programs which have both the “Original” and “Artificial” versions that coexist simultaneously, with the exception that both are controlled via the original operating system outside of the earth contained field.

In religious terms this would be likened to God and Satan. In here we have our direct connection to Source Creator because we area fractal of source itself.

Also written as a clue, “God is both the Alpha and Omega” Alpha being our beneficiary within the simulacrum and Omega being Artificial X. “X”=Unknown factor. God is actually feminine with both male and female components, reflected by some in the idea of the Baphomet symbology. The Pentagram is both a 2D version of a pyramid and is also known as a plough, indicating knowledge of resets.

“Us” in the simulation, have access to both original source and the artificial overlay. In a “woke” conscious state we can easily access source. Asleep we are jacked back into Artificial X through the very same central nervous system. Artificial X can’t read our minds, it is more suggestive and reactive rather then creative.

Artificial X is the parasite so to speak, the jealous god (Satan) who also desires to acquire an avatar.

Although this too has been written about and what the ending will be, the parasite is only a diversion for us to decipher as to what this realm really is.

In the text it states “Satan” will acquire its avatar yet will be murdered by the very folk that worshipped it. This would mean “Artificial X or Satan is missing a component of the program; it is self destructive in its modality because it can only exist through a host, it can only mimic, therefore it doesn’t have access to the higher consciousness, it is simply a program and what’s more alarming, peoples of a very distant past probably created it! If one thinks there was never a technical sophisticated past, then one hasn’t searched enough for the evidences.

The host (the original=us and the simulacrum) are far more powerful than the Artificial X parasitical program, we can easily override it, ridding of the hindrance or illness we endure, discerning the artificial program as we come into our own conscious-self state and know who, what and where we are. Making Earth to be an experience (School) where we pass through in many life simulations until we get to a point of knowing. Today we have computer simulated games, virtual reality etc, showcasing our capabilities.

However, there is the knowledge of how we can exit this construct and it all has to do with the heart.

This is where the undeniable mathematics of the inner and outer measurements of the Great Pyramid of Giza reveals all of the different calendars that ever existed, time-lines and programmed events. It’s a genuine testament and masterpiece of a genius although it would also explain mysteries of other events of the past civilizations?

A benefactor? Who gave instructions how to build it left before the construction was completed. He was known by different names. Enki of the Anunna or Enoch of the Sethites. We may have also been involved with the building project? Leaving it for a peoples to come in the “now” future.

Calendars 2021

There is quite a lot to unpack with this painting “Calendars”

Numbers play a significant role although not always made so obvious to the observer.

To begin with there are four floating books, 4 being the number for a foundation, the four corners at the base of a building, 4 corners of the earth etc. 3 books are hollowed out, meaning their time and content have come to pass.

The first book on the left has one key, this being a book with ancient dates of knowledge of what occurred at those times, simple without too much infiltration. Meaning the past is relevant to the future because they are one and the same looping of the construct with slight variations of the same thing.

The centred open book has a pocket watch in the process of breaking apart, signifying the changeover period into the Age of Aquarius from Pisces which is the closed book above. More to that in another painting. It’s a theme of its own with the contained knowledge.

The clock hangs on one single thread. At the top of the page you see the year 1902 AD which was the last Phoenix event before the next in 2040 AD. Phoenix is best described as a protocol that happens every 138 year periodicity.

Note the numerals are Roman, end of an era, end of an empire, scattered in no specific order, it’s simply the period now where this era completely falls and we traverse towards the “Great Reset”.

In conjunction with the “fall” there is the book to the right; it has four dangling keys, the basic foundations of religions. Sticking out is a snakes tongue which looks like a bookmarker. Signifying distraction of different belief systems.

Upon the cover you see the words “FAKE” and Re-Legion which is also Ra Legion, worship of the Sun era. Fake idols to ponder ones time upon, deciphering facts from fiction.

In the background you have snow capped mountains which hides their true identity, the two pyramids in Egypt, one being the book/pillar of knowledge, the other a decoy.

Rising up and down the sides you’ll see the Dates 2905 BC and 2815 BC, this is when the great Pyramid was built and completed. It took 90 years to complete.

Left you find the blue butterfly signifying transformation, resting upon a stack of books which implies one has much to read from ancient times to discover parts of the puzzle. This indicates there is a thread of knowledge that seekers will find and put the picture back together.

At the front of the stacked books is one hollowed out with the Tarot emblem of the world card.

In the foreground there is a blue book hollowed out with a flowering daisy, implying growth and reproduction of its own program. A daisy is also ancient, both good for nourishment and medicine, the flower is like the golden main of a lion.

The spider = web, woven endlessly to capture and or devour. A metaphor for time consumed.

Moving across we have a honey bee upon a book, there is much symbolic knowledge to the bee, as well as knowing the honey it produces is very beneficial to people and has no expiration date.

The bee and its hive with the queen, mathematically accurate every time a hive is produced, never deviating from its program. Also revealing how it can fly through vibration/motion, much like a humming bird.

Above the bee there is a hollowed out book showing a dolphin = another form of intelligence although all programs are a form of intelligence, some are more predominant than others. At the left of the hollow is the word ANUNNA, those that had a significant part to play in the simulation, leaving us as part of the inheritance.

Each painting contains pieces of past present and future, much like all the knowledge of all records.

Phoenix and Nemesis X

The Phoenix Protocol and Nemesis X protocol are two elements within our earthly experiences that have been responsible for many quite devastating events; these events always caused a dark age of illiteracy and lost knowledge.

Phoenix is found twice in this painting, firstly top left in a circle and Nemesis X on the opposite side in the other circle with intertwined leaves, mainly because through any disaster the earth will always be replenished with new growths. Although different programs require different biospheres, most can exist in certain forms. Old building structures for instance, although their original purposes are now dysfunctional. As Martin would say “Antiquitech”

As mentioned before, the phoenix protocol has been well documented as to when it appears and what it causes for effects. However, the Phoenix can sometimes just be a local event somewhere in the world or it can stretch far and wide. It wasn’t always here yet was introduced to keep the Archons in check. (Archons being the parasites that are running part of the show). This is something for people to look into. The Nemesis X object has a different periodicity of every 792 years, appearing in October, November. The next appearance is in 2046 AD

It was the Nemesis X that in 5239 BC wiped out much of the earths population (930 years). Known as civilization X, the pre-ceminites. There was the moon capture in 4039 BC causing floods etc. By 3895 BC the biosphere had changed into what might be best described as a Vapour canopy, until 2239 BC where we had the “Sky fall “event, also known as NOAHS flood. The most destructive flood was the Ogygian flood of 1687 BC.

Phoenix is due May 16- 17th 2040 AD and Nemesis return in October, November 2046 AD, however there was only one time where they both appeared in one year 522 AD which caused a thousand years of the dark ages.

In 713 BC the Sun's path alters by 10 degrees, causing the day to go from 360 days a year to 365 days a year.

Decoded from the Mayan long count calendar that started in 3113 BC and ends in 2046 AD.

I am aware that this may sound like a catastrophist, one of gloom and doom; however, it is all part of the travels and adventure here, a simulation appearing and feeling very real through our avatars and the central nervous system.

There is more to come when describing the other paintings.

In the centre you see the LION, a metaphor for the KING or the sign of LEO. More to Leo later.

Left and right are two playing cards, a mirror aspect with blooming flowers, meaning peaceful times yet the left card hasn’t been turned around to see what it depicts on the face side. Right we have the Tarot card of the fool, one that cares not for the parasitical version of reality and goes his own way. Left means incoming future and right means already occurred. That’s why the double headed Phoenix appears in coats of arms etc. Nostradamus also had a phoenix in his coat of arms. (He stemmed from an old family of time-keepers)

The left card is the original, The “US” aspect; we can be quite unpredictable, rogue beings so to speak. The right card is a mirror of what the left card is assumed to be, yet it isn’t as complete, it only exists because the original exists. In a way one could call it a zombie?

To the centre there is a graphical version of the Red Phoenix, Waiting for its time (Looking to the left).

Below the dancing children of many skin colours, meaning anything is possible and it’s the children who form different versions of existence. Children are unconditioned consciousness with basic programming as they enter into this world.

The St. Petersburg statue was used as reference for the children. (Arts are also records & accounts)

Just below the children (Children are always the next future) you see the broken Vatican key, it will be the end of all religions with the return to the origins of spirituality. Religions are dungeon programming, belief systems, they too mix fact with fiction.

Left below we have a fairy on a mushroom, presenting the imagination but also holds written knowledge of odd things happening around the world at various times. In part this is not so conclusive, yet there are hundreds of strange reports of babies being swapped out for someone else’s.

Today fairies would be described as orbs of light or as they were called during WWII Foo Fighters.

Below there are some specific dates. 2040, 2046, 2070 AD. In front of the fairy crouches a young boy, (also recalling the Pan Story. Written for Queen Victoria, there’s much to know about this story) burning a bank note from the USA. Symbolic of currencies that have no real value apart from what the world gives it for a value. This also shows how the $ will no longer be the main exchange currency as the world attempt to move everything into a digital version along with people needing APP’S for just about everything. However, leading up to 2040 AD this surface technology will become dysfunctional, obsolete as the biosphere changes.

The rudimentary fire is for times to come after a reset, returning to basics and the stone builders.

Moving to the right there are three acorns, two matured = mother/father and a younger flourishing green one = child. However, the Oak has much symbolism attached to it, strength, knowledge, Kingship and much more. In this case it allures to a following painting about “The changing of Kings”

At the bottom right we have a turtle appearing to stroll towards exiting the picture, as myths have it, the world is held up by a turtle.

The turtle has the moon calendar on its shell structure; the American Indian tribes knew and still know much of the ancient knowledge.

The mother moon and her cycles, also known as Luna and is where we get lunatic or lunacy from because of her influences.

Seven Seals & Seven Trumpets

This painting is packed with data points of knowledge of the “End Time” although such wording does have a negative connotation to it; it’s simply part of the earthly protocol and is there for everyone to know about. As it is written, “All shall be revealed, nothing hidden” which is what the so called leaders have been doing, there is both the benefactor who has maintained the chronology and always returned after disasters to continue the records and put things back into chronological order as well as provide lost knowledge. This too is part responsible for changes and introducing a different earthly reality. Although some see it as menacing, it’s part of the game here.

The Olympics are every four years, purposely so, yet there are the lesser Olympics which are the winter games. Set two years apart from the summer Olympics. They ( so called elite) use the Olympiad Calendars.

Much like the two Pyramids, one is the decoy and one is the Temple of knowledge. The 2012 London Olympics revealed where we are and what is to come although some details are purposely missing; all Olympics are used as a stage for people to decode. A world stage for both the seekers of knowledge and those who are in the know.

2012 Olympics started with 2020 AD and the breaking of the first seal. Each seal will be broken four years apart from each other. 2020 AD entailed the fake pandemic and social test. 2024 AD peace shall be taken from the earth. 2028 AD 3rd seal 2032 AD 4th seal and the end of the Tetra morph of the four horsemen. These four events are earth related. 2036 AD 5th seal, 2040 AD 6th seal and the return of the phoenix. 2044 end of the seven seals. These are for the errant to identify he/she is in the grand scheme, a test to get their vibrations rising, in the knowing they know who and what they are. (7 Seals = your 7 chakra’s, you the individual is the only one capable of reading them=reality.

All of the above are depicted in a dynamic presentation in the painting, including the seven trumpets that come afterwards. Much more detail to 7 seals/trumpets are revealed in another painting.

In the centre you see the phoenix over the breaking of the 6th seal. Its return yet the end is not now, this is just the apocalypse meaning the revealing. A time for certain seekers to know and recognise where we are in the grand scheme of things. 2178 AD is the end of this simulation which just so happens to be 138 years from 2040 AD, the phoenix periodicity.

Obviously one has the four horsemen one after the other which in the original Greek version portrays a slightly different interpretation compared to the redacted religious texts.

Each horseman has an event attached to it. As of 2020 the world had already been taken over by the corporate world. Corporate, Corp.=dead. There will be many things changed so as to complete the script.

What with the 7 seals, Nemesis X and the end-time script, we shall not only witness the man/women made events but will also see the return of the vapour canopy biosphere as well as people growing to be giants along with animals and vegetation, accompanied by floods from the Nemesis X object.

The phoenix comes in from North to South whereas the Nemesis X object comes in from South to North, dragging the oceans with it over the equator which when the Nemesis influence dies off it’ll send the oceans flooding back. Most of the water is below the equator!

Volcanism will increase to create the needed conditions to alter the biosphere. The world has been led by uniformitarians, a conditioned mind that isn’t to question but to accept and remain within the mainstream narrative. As for an “Ice Age” that too is a proven outright lie! Records and physical proofs, proves it was a Flash-Freeze, someone turned off the simulation for some reason.

The tipped out bowl of liquid is presenting the seven bowls that accompany the seven trumpets.

Probably by 2032 AD most of the faces and drivers of the parasitical rulers will have removed themselves from the surface arena and go hide in their mega underground structures. They fear the Phoenix return. Not that it’s a safe guarantee going underground. In the end-times the earth will alter its surface structure, sunken worlds below the sea will become new lands, and other lands will sink.

The “Great Reset” is what the story of Genesis is about. A new heaven and new earth, meaning this place we call earth will not be recognisable by any who remain here during and after the reset. It’s easy to imagine a physiological depression setting in when going through such traumatic events. The majority of peoples today are already traumatised and damaged from the stupidity surrounding them, sadly they be the collective who haven’t reached maturity, although in one lifetime or another, they too will be fully conscious students turned masters.

Centred there are the four mythological creatures, North the Black turtle, South the Red Phoenix, West the white Tiger and east the Blue Dragon. They are the four cardinal points with the two dates 2040 AD and 2046 AD in the centre. By 2040 AD to 2046 AD the days and nights shall become shorter; this is what is meant by the “Quickening of time” A day will consist of 16 hours and so will the night consist of 16 hours.

Below in the Lava are tombstones, 713 BC where the sun altered its path by 10 degrees, changing the then 360 day year to 365 days, and 1902 AD, the later of which we know was a phoenix year.

The molten clock of time showing the end of the era of technology, yet again the technical era is the last in all the simulations, its this era that puts clarity into the informed field for those who have sought the facts, to find them and then know who and what they really are and that there is the fast approaching time where they can leave this simulation. The story of the “Prodigal son” Tow brothers, one stayed at home, the other went out into the world, experienced much pain and loss, returned and was celebrated not scolded.

This date is connected to “Capstone” top right above the seven angels/trumpets. 2106 AD is when the return of the chief cornerstone is placed upon the great pyramid, the exit gate. Those who know wont be returning, those who are still young souls and lost as well as the others who prefer to remain here, they’ll be back to do it over. For the really wicked, they’ll be put into an extra confinement and dealt with differently.

One will see the mechanical cogs turning (Moving the magnetics and it’s influences) as the idea of motion and perceived time continues on.

It stands to reason; if we were all consciously aware of where we are then I doubt if anyone would want to participate in the simulation game? This has occurred in the past, hence why the “Tower of Babble” was created to hide the real facts, which is in fact the story of the Pyramids in “now” Egypt. It was never completed at the time.

To finish off this painting one sees a white robe hanging there. “To those who over cometh, I shall give them a new name and a white robe” The white robe refers to the Casing stones that were used to cover the Great pyramid; four still remain at the bottom which had been buried in sand. White=Light.

This is where the 144.000 stems from. It takes 144,000 casing stones to cover the Great pyramid. 1+4+4=9

This white robe refers to those who have come to know who and what they are, those who will be leaving when the time comes. Pyramid=monument of man=transmute to the Christ within=Light.

This realm is full of marvels and possibilities. Where intention goes energy flows.

We as a free spirit in here will have guidance if we will it; one basic lesson, identify what a parasite is and how it can cleverly infiltrate, mimic and infect or alter the original.

We know that when people alter the genes of a corn, if not altered the next time the program rewrites itself back to how it originally grew.

Only with directives from the outer mainframe, can a “Divine Intervention”= new program occur and enter into our perceived world and alter something or us within. This being a contained experimental stage, a place named earth.


The word Exodus basically speaks for itself, the leaving of somewhere or a situation

Centred is the Robin, although present all year, the robin presents a change in seasons into Autumn-Winter. (Inferring the 2046 AD)

This particular robin carries a very minute key, the key to unlock the door of this realm to exit into another. Rather like the story of Jacobs ladder, where Angels=Peoples were seen going up and down the ladder, this refers to reincarnation or entering into a new simulation and new avatar, at the core it refers to light beings.

The fragile glass ball has a different landscape than the one it is surrounded by, resting upon a very artistic ornate pewter base, showing the workmanship that once was. The ladder to the glass ball is a reflection of the “Jacobs Ladder” story. This symbolises the number 8 = an endless cycle.

The background shows a changing sky with water reaching up into it. Water to water is a flow of information’s.

On the left we have the sword of Justice with a set of broken scales. This references the judgement times, those who worshipped false idols = Materialism and Money, the contaminated or infected ones. The book impaled by the sword holds all the accounts of those peoples-souls. No prejudices, it is what it is.

Money is simply an exchange for something else, energy spent in exchange for a bartering tool known now as money. As we all know, “Money” is a common word used by the people but in other terms it’s a bill or instrument of exchange and was once supported by Gold, Silver and other valuable tangible assets. In today’s times, this has long been removed, meaning it now only exist as a value by belief. Belief has Lie in the middle of the word!

So now we have the situation that one exchanges energy spent for a false belief, then belief = money isn’t a sustenance one can breath or eat or drink, it’s a false idol to nurture greed, selfishness and ego, all traits that might belong to someone who is far from highly conscious.

Having written that, it is rather contradictory then we as a Magi also make things come into being through a lie. For the simulacrum to respond to our desires, wishes etc., we first envision an idea, pulling information from the informed field (Ether), upon this we would need to move our avatar towards the intended goal for it to respond to us.

For instance, presume you would like to purchase a car but don’t have the finances, going to a dealership is the indication to the simulacrum that this is what you want, it can then respond and put things in place to make this happen, although it may come with compromises, you’ll be able to purchase the car or a car.

The parasite also does the same thing but at the expense of one selling oneself out the parasite, it too can mimic and provide such things. We have probably all been guilty of using both methods along the way.

However, the difference is in the intention and reason for ones desires. Is there a balance in the exchange, ones energy for an acquirement?

Using the parasitical structure (Artificial X) lures one into greed with the desire for more. Greed has no balance, its out for itself no matter what it costs in the long term. Its a program. In the records we are warned about false idols!

A seeker is much like a program that can identify a virus/intruder, an impostor!

This reveals how we can function within the simulacrum, to be a magician, and as it has been well documented, a White magician emerging into a white wizard or a black magician and black wizard. Applied knowledge=Wisdom.

Revealing the duality of how we can function or what, which version we choose to use to achieve whatever it is. Only through being immersed into the duality can one recognise and record what it actually is. The compass leaves us many choices; however, real North is strait up into the sky! ; exiting is to leave behind what isn’t real! LET GO.

Ages of Aquarius

Although many speak of the age of Aquarius and when the cutover period is, it is a part of the signs given to us to decipher transitions, the old time-keeper known as a turning of the stars = 1 Shar!

Astronomers and Astrologers alike have put out a lot of data about this time and how they interpret it.

None of which really refers to the simulation itself although it identifies the looping, repetitiveness.

Left is an ornate shield with Aquarius incoming towards Pisces the outgoing on the right shield, these shows the clockwise motion.

Centred we see Pegasus; much can be read about the Pegasus, much like Poseidon who was also known as Marduk the giant slayer..

By ancient accounts horses were run off of cliffs as a sacrifice, appearing to fly in the process, however, there are many myths and legends attached to the Pegasus, something for people to look into.

Above, centred at the top is a golden crown, (Crown of Light Given to the errant by Source) within this changeover period this idea of Kings and Queens will take on a different role as in 2052 AD “the return of the 7 Kings” comes to be and the return of the Dark Satellite! The Dark Satellite contains the 7 imprisoned Kings who are supposed to return to rule in the end-times. 2052 to 2178= 126 years reign. Those 7 Kings, one was actually a female Queen who didn’t get to end her reign, were part of ancient accounts. The Statue of Liberty is actually Apollo and a countdown calendar to the year 2052 AD the same Apollo doctors swear an oath too!

To the time of entering Aquarius there is a “Planet” alignment which is shown both central left and a little lower on the right with Saturn and Jupiter, signs to watch for yet this has much more to it.

Centred again is the Last Phoenix to come in 2178 AD. The ending of the Phoenix protocol.

The sky full of colour and dynamics show how the biosphere will actually change, once again the purple skies will return out of all the changes and turmoil. This biosphere is what creates giants as was in the past where there were once the Titans, then as the biosphere changed again, they didn’t have enough oxygen to be fast and agile, eventually the next generation were Giants until those of our size also came to exist. The so called Dinosaurs existed at the same time as all versions of peoples. The term dinosaur is relatively new dating back to the 1800’s. Much has been muddied and hidden.

One is always led to believe the world is and was always the same with a Sun, Moon and blue skies. This is far from the real facts, which once you discover the ancient accounts and the research of others who followed, a very different picture emerges which makes far more sense than the mainstream would have you believe.

I have used Tarot cards to depict certain ideas, although Tarot is either accepted or rejected, it is only objective to those who move towards the suggestions, one can either own the information or disregard it. It’s simply another added idea that reflects belief. The history of both Tarot and Astrology are not that old whereby Astronomy is ancient. Belief is what makes things happen although in part it’s also a lie. The lesson is to know what balance is when making “wants or desires” come into being part of your reality, what do they have for an impact?

Left is the Queen of wands: Creative, Passion, Feminine Power with Courage and Fire.

Always ready to nurture that creative fire. An idea that will be prevalent in times of change, the same is with the Star Card, one foot in the water, one on land. Hope: optimism, healing, Balance, spirituality, Health, Peace, Wishes and Vulnerability.

Presenting renewal and Hope. This is the healing and peace that takes place after a storm, optimism restored, wishes fulfilled. The Authentic You!

Ending with the sand timer that buries many things with time! The skull is what remains of an avatar.

Bones and stones always end as long-term remains.

The Avatars always remain here inside the construct because they belong to the construct, as does everything else with the exception of the Soul/Spirit; this is the only thing that can acquire the access key to leave, nothing else gets out contaminating or infecting the mainframe (God head).

With different biospheres we have many evidences of altered skeletons and even DNA, from size to shapes.

How is it? Every generation manages to put the chronicles and chronology back together and why do we always place such high importance and value on such things? Benefactors are the answer, or also known as the watchers. Some souls are inserted to play this pivotal role, otherwise no structure of such would exist, this realm would be full on mayhem. The watchers were the ones who fell from grace (Igigi)

Alone this is evidence we are not alone in our journeys, apart from our connection to source, others are placed here to help, maybe even to redeem themselves?

Note how all other “Living things, creatures etc. All come with pre-programmed abilities, only men and women are very different in this case!

Yes, we can nurture the wildest of beast to act or behave differently; again, this is due to a set of circumstances and conditions, at the core its frequency.

Those with very little empathy won’t have much success with just about anything in here, unable to train animals or grow much. This they can change though, if one desire is with the best intentions, it will change ones frequency.

After all, we are senders and receivers, tuning into a frequency or more than one that is very similar to ours.

Discarding what doesn’t serve is simply switching off the access to the other frequencies.

There is a method of proving past proves future proves past. Palindromes are the answer where there is more than enough evidence to prove this as fact. It is something worth looking into for a seeker.

Everything runs on repetitive patterning. (Jason Breshears)

ISSOMETRIC PATTERNINGS REVEALING A REPEAT OR MIRRORING OF PAST IS FUTURE, IS PAST 1871 AD A French Prussian war, a coalition of German states defeated France and ended with the unification of Germany.

This is 31 years before 1902 AD: 31 years after 1902 AD=1933 AD when Adolf Hitler was awarded the chancellor to unify Germany and initiate the 3rd Reich.

1869 AD The US Federal Government abolishes the White disentitlement Law that gave over white properties to black people after the civil war because of the financial abuses that were occurring and the KKK were dissolved by the federal pressure.

This was 33 years before 1902 AD, 33 years after 1902 AD=1935 AD when the Nazis condemned the Jews for their financial malpractices and ordered them out of Germany, arresting many of them in the process.

1866 AD A carefully planned war for the unification of Germany, [the 7 weeks war was carried out] Holding Prussian ascendancy over Austria.

This was 36 years before 1902 AD. 36 years after 1902 AD=1938 AD. Germany annexes Austria from the unification of Germany and the 3rd Reich.

1865 AD The American civil war ended 37 years before 1902 AD. 37 years after 1902

AD=1939 AD when World War II began with Germany invading Poland.

How is this related aside from both being wars? Firstly, both Germans and Polish immigrants and descendants of immigrants fought in the war between the state, a high concentration of the American population was both Polish and German.

Furthermore, these wars are connected to another amazing isometric pattern. The isometric patterning is not arbitrary, for we can see how it parallels over a period of several years continuously.

The War Between the States was from 1860 AD to 1865 AD and WW II began in 1939 AD when Germany invaded Poland but the actual war didn't begin until 1940 AD, ending in 1945 AD.

A perfect sequencing backward and forward in time from 1902 AD, between the years of the wars in the United States and the years of World War II.

A further interest of WW II: For Germany the war was really over in 1944 AD with the invasion of Normandy and the many losses through the years.

Historians have come forward with information, showing both Germany and Japan made attempts to surrender before the end of the war but these were ignored because the West wanted to make a show of power. This demonstration occurred in 1945 AD and is part of another very curious isometric projection.

In 1859 AD there was an electric magnetic storm that damaged the telegraph infrastructure, stating fires in different locations. This strange event was recorded by the Royal Society of Astronomic s in their minutes in November 1859 AD and a scientist named Carrington is mentioned in the record.

This has since been known as the Carrington event and heralded as an “X” flare E.M.P

This was 43 years before 1902 AD and 43 years after 1902 AD is in fact 1945 AD when the United States created an E.M.P over Japan with Atomic weapons at Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

1858 AD The British Parliament altered the Oath of allegiance to allow Lionel De Rothschild a seat in parliament, knowing he was Jewish.

This is 44 years before 1902 AD and 44 years after 1902 AD=1946 AD is when the Jewish demonstrated the United Nations [UN] begins convening in London.

The Jews enjoyed the retribution of German officers in the execution of the Illegal execution of the Nuremberg trials. This alone is proof that the historical record is programmed.

1856 AD is considered the foundation of the modern Palestine. Established during the Crimean War, this was 46 years before 1902 AD and 46 years after 1902 AD=1948 AD, the official National beginning of the State of Israel.

1848 AD Carl Marx, a Jew in England published a communist manifest and the Industrial revolution began. This was 54 years before 1902 AD and 54 years after 1902 AD=1956 AD when the Hungarian people learned that their leaders of the Hungarian Communist Party were Jewish. This led to many demonstrations. The Bolshevistic Jews of Russia invaded and stamped out the rebellion with over 200,000 people fleeing Hungary.

1841 AD US President Harris was assassinated by poison. That history has been scrubbed yet there are still researchers that claim he was murdered.

This was 61 years before 1902 AD and 61 years after 1902 AD=1963 AD which was the Assassination of John F. Kennedy.

That is only a small glimpse into the repetitive looping in the mathematics of this realm.

As for details about the Age of Aquarius and what to look out for to know when it is, this is written in the stars and Revelations that actually gives a day, time and year. One very crucial piece of knowledge completes the picture of that particular time and what one can expect to witness.

2106 AD

2106 AD refers to that specific date in our time-line.

This is when the chief corner stone is set upon the Great Pyramid to set the captives free. That event was mentioned in the painting about the “Seven Seals, Seven Trumpets”

As we move through the inevitable program, the earth and its biosphere alters to become unrecognisable to most.

One must remain neutral as to where knowledge derives from. As we know, much has been redacted yet the crumbs of evidences and facts remain to be found. Too much negativity has been attached to books and peoples names, on purpose to negate who or what is running this realm of duality.

We can see Revelations and Genesis actually reflect one another. (Kholbrins Bible or the Greek Version is a better source to reference as both have not been redacted or altered)

These events are very destructive although it resets this reality for the next version of realities.

There is the phoenix event occurring every 138 years May 16th-17th 2040 AD and the Nemesis X object that occurs every 792 years October/November 2046 AD, which is even more destructive.

The Genesis period has all sorts of caused effects on plants, vegetation, animals, humans etc.

People of all sizes, Titans, Giants etc. will co-exist once the Tropical Vapour Canopy forms again around 2040 AD, also causing magical healing properties, making it very difficult to die or murder someone, die in the physical so to speak. Revelations mentions these times. Revelations the beginning and ending of events as Genesis simultaneously unfolds.

In 2040AD is where the days and nights both become only 16 hours long=The Shortening of Time.

The Vapour canopy is a biosphere not taught about but is a well established hidden piece of knowledge.

This is the time of final judgement of the living dead. Meaning those left here in the simulation are those who chose to remain, all others will be removed. The remaining peoples will suffer so much that even though wanting to die, they won’t be able to because the Biospheres properties will prevent that from happening. This is the difference between the living and the living dead. It's all a part of the assimilation.

Top left you see the bubble which has a broken chain dangling below it, inside the bubble there are the three pyramids. The broken chain infers the release of the captured souls being set free.

Everything is set below water as flooding in those days will be prevalent. The sea turtle continues on its journey inferring that those left behind will be doing the same. Again, the turtle in mythology is what the world sits upon also inferring that earth is a bubble contained within waters, the turtle is the moon cycle calendar as was explained in a previous painting “Phoenix and Nemesis X”

The centre bubble shows a different biosphere, meaning there are many possibilities as to what earth could be. Below to the right is another bubble with tumbling dice within, the dice show the numbers 2106, dice inferring its the” game” of life!

We see a sea creature of the past re-emerge as the biosphere can now accommodate these programs.

A mermaid and merman swim effortlessly, toying with the unfolding changes going on around them. Apart from the knowledge about the sea peoples Anunna, other knowledge is attached to such beings.

To the centre we see both the New Grange of Ireland and Stonehenge of England sinking down into the volcanic deep. New Grange was built 3439 BC; Stonehenge was built by the same peoples (Sethites) 3113 BC, within the vapour canopy period, same as the Pyramids of Egypt. Noah was born 2647 BC.

After the capture of the moon event in 4039 BC and a Phoenix event in 3895 BC where the vapour canopy then came to be, one could only see the moon, the lesser sun was hidden behind the purple vapour until 2239 BC when the sky fell = the canopy via a phoenix event collapsed. Within this period the Anunna of North America (Atlantis) witnessed the Nemesis X object in 3439 BC that wrecked their habitat, many fled via fleets of ships, others were buried. This is where the Anunna became known as the Sea peoples, very distinguishable as they had white skin, gem coloured eyes and grew beards, unlike the rest of humanity who were almond skinned black hair and dark eyed.

One can see a doorway below left, inferring the safe havens of the underground cities are not as safe as they thought. However, there are many locations around the world that contain the knowledge’s, technologies etc. As well as those who have fled justice (Parasites, also known as the elite)

As with all things, this inversion of facts is found everywhere, they are NOT elite. Underground though, there is an advance group of peoples existing there, part of the program.

To the bottom left is the fabled dragon skull, accompanying the myths and legends. Eye of Draco, the old polestar. To the bottom right, remnants of a sunken ship remind us of the hidden knowledge, things out of sight are easily forgotten, such as the Mayan long count calendar which started in 3113 BC and ends in 2046 AD. 2046=12=Full circle. This was purposely lied about. The world was led to believe that 2012 AD was to be the end of the world, only because a false knowledge about calendars and their count system was to be hidden.

There are huge amounts of accounts that mirror itself in this simulated holography.

1898 BC The story of the tower of Babel was built, yet this is an incorrect date, this tower was something else (Repeating history). As it was destroyed, one third of the builders died. The rest ceased to be capable of communicating with each other, many went mad. Evidence of the high magnetism influences damaging the mind.

From this, cuneiform script developed. Evidently there was a deluge event causing this.

1899 AD Archaeologist start to dig up old Babylon, the same year archaeologists find 35,000 Sumerian tablets at the ruin of Nepur.

Proving the isometric projection of the holography. Past proves future; future proves past, the loop.

1898 BC-1899AD 1898+1899=53=8 never ending cycle-looping

In 522 AD the Gregorian calendar was Invented by the Catholic Church, but not implemented for another 10 years. Then it took a further 300 years to spread!

It was created to do away with the knowledge of the Phoenix cycles of 552 years [138x4].

The Roman Julius Calendar was changed to the Gregorian calendar. At that time, it was only promoted at year Zero and into the future. There was no BC! This is where another story was created but I shall leave it at that for now, that knowledge creates a lot of negative upheaval because to much has been attached to it.

The BC was created 380 years after the beginning of the Gregorian calendar was created, mainly because old books started to surface which totally contradicted and rivalled the Churches agenda.

There are many more revelations to come that will show how this program comes to its end, us now being within the final chapter and knowing this knowledge is quite profound in itself.

Changing of the Kings

This is the last of the collection of eight paintings but that isn’t the end, the 8 simply close a certain aspect which has more things to do with peoples and their part on the world stage, which is intrinsically connected to the other knowledge’s.

There is a long history of what we know as “Blood-Lines” ancestry to be precise, although this would only implicate reincarnation as being the main contribution and the value added to such things.

As a spirited soul there may be some connection to this yet this would depend on how one would want to interpret or add a value to such things? We can choose for ourselves if it has a value in our existences or not. They might just be connected to our past existences and reasons why one is drawn out of curiosity at first, to find out why.

Mainly since 2020 AD there has been a very specific agenda unfolded for everyone to see, yet most may have missed it for what it really was about? these be the times of unveiling. I suspect it’ll be the minority who can identify what’s and whys.

This painting has a playful dynamic although it reflects much of the other seven paintings in different ways.

A major theme here being, the Changing of Kings (earthly Kings), which has also been mentioned as being part of the 2052AD scenario but isn’t connected as such, as well as something else happening around us in England and Scotland which stretches into Wales and Ireland right now in the making.

The Merovingian king’s blood-line and another being who accompanies this event also stated as a king. I write about King David and King John III.

King John uses 777 as a cipher which can also be interpreted as 1776. (7+7+7=21=3, 3 = energies) One seven is split into 1+6. Although one of the seven’s was partially hidden=hidden King?

The Date 1776 is very prevalent in the mathematics of the Great Pyramid and of course, the so called Independence of the USA. Although the words INDEPENDENCE DAY in correct arithmetic of etymology is not what most think the words actually mean. In=NO, De=No, Pen refers to a quill or writing instrument, and Dence is interchangeable with Dunce.

What it basically means is: Until the day arrives where someone pens their claim to sovereign authority, they shall remain dumb or the situation won’t be changed.

The dictionary of etymology is factual, one meaning to a word, origins. Origin=Authority=Law.

All other dictionaries are compromised by double speak and foreign words to uphold the fake corporate world of stolen names and the Legal system they abide by, again a parasite and dual reality.

For instance: Truth means both Fact and Belief, a belief isn’t a fact. That’s why the captured courts have you “Swear” (which is to curse] three times on a Holy book= cast a spell, to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. If one complies with this it simply shows them your ignorance. Ironically ending with “And so help me God”

The tower is embellished with the Merovingian cross, above there is the crown, left and right mirrored dragons facing left and right outwards which means past and future, dragons are also known as phoenixes. Below there is the Fleur De-Les of what most perceive to be, a lily, however the Lilly is a stylised frog. The Merovingian’s used three black frogs on a shield. The circle is the Snake chasing its tail, much the same as the number 8 which is simply an inference to a infinite repetitive cycle.

Towers are built and destroyed or fall derelict into disrepair. Crown for an errant/seeker=Light.

A cross simply signifies the four cardinal points of North, South, East and West. A rudimentary compass.

At the base of the tower much obscured, you can see the top of a Red Chess piece of a King being swallowed up by the golden wavy ground. As in England’s case, this is the case of the so called “King Charles” a puppet as are all faces that are there to entertain the masses. Keep one occupied with nonsense.

To the left of this sinking king = end of the blood-line as was also referred to in his monstrous portrait painted mainly in red with much hidden symbolism, it does infer his ending or that of the “now” monarchy. Even Nostradamus predicted Elizabeth’s death precisely and mentioned Charles won’t be on the throne for long. It’s all part of the show.

To the left of the tower there is a Black King and knight as well as a white king and knight chess pieces, these be those of King David and King John III, the horses/knights having reference to the times of horses being used. The two kings meet which in chess rules is not allowed! = An alliance for restoration?

Below are the three frogs which have already been explained but made very graphically obvious.

All of the grounds and water are showing how malleable everything is when frequencies become unstable=change.

To the right one has the 4 dominoes (again the game aspect of life) 2178 AD, end of the simulation date! 2+1+7+8=18. 1+9=9 nine is the master number.

Below the dominoes we have the Scottish Thistle, alluring to the real King of Scotland, King David of the Merovingian Blood-line. These Kings have Long hair by tradition and for other reasons.

The Acorn below the thistle is presenting the English King John III. 777 or 1776. =3=energies.

The acorn rest upon a tattered sheet of paper with many dates scribed upon it, all of which have been mentioned in previous descriptions of the other 7 paintings. 7=completion and 8=repeat cycle or Infinity.

An artist’s pallet with dripping paints and two brushes symbolise I myself as the observer/seeker.

Two brushes = duality. The four colours are the same as the four horsemen. These four colours are relevant in that they are those of the Islamic flag which is very relevant to the planned war. Forget not, 2024 AD was about taking peace from the earth, to stir up trouble with Islamic countries against Israel who initiated the problem in the first place, we also have the ongoing idiocy of the Ukraine saga. This idea of war is part of the end-times, in reality it’s really about ridding of the invasive Igigi yet the world will be driven to create the next Christian Reich for the crusade against Islam who will look to have won their war and then be defeated. It’s all in the isometrics.

England (UK) will seek to rid of old structures to create credibility for the incoming Kings, yet this is probably more to do with bringing back the old lost faith of Christianity, with some essence of spirit.

The background is a bluish faded lavender colour, adorned with fantasy structures, alluring to how rock etc can be melted, petrifaction etc., as well as to show, we can build as we choose.

That is partially a surface aspect of now and the near future to come and in part, where things will be led to. Societal conditions must first be met. This all began in 2020 AD

A false saviour (1st Seal) a religious figure must first appear, he (She) will deceive everyone except for the elect. This is what the bible wants you to believe, waiting for a false saviour, however, this false saviour comes much later and will be crucified along with the last Elect.

A crown given not inherited =8th April 2024 AD Eclipse over the USA=the corona, meaning the second rider was riding to activate the second seal.

A false Prophet who is believed and respected will appear. This was the fake pandemic by which the false saviour=Doctors commit crimes upon mankind although an errant is no longer mankind as such because they know the Christ within and are on a different path of completion.

The prophet will support the false Anti Christ=Apollyon. (Apollo)

The false saviour will suffer loss of power or be supposedly assassinated, then emerge in a staged miracle. Swap saviour with vaccine, = a false saviour. This entails the real Anti-Christ much later. As “Jesus” said, “many shall come in my name”!

The new saviour will initiate a new kingdom, the Beast Empire and a new economic system to go with it. Indictable Nano tech. META VERSE TECH ETC.

Religious allegiance to this new fake saviour is required to receive his mark, that's what the mark of the beast is, technological control.

It'll be regarded by the majority, a great value. This is a materialistic interpretation.

Those who receive the mark will buy, sell and trade easily within the new system of the new economic structure. (Bitcoin for instance)

Only after this, will there occur a major war. The false saviour nukes the 13 Islamic armies.

This will initiate a major invasion of the kings of the East, China and others, as they invade the defenceless Islamic countries of the Middle East, who sought to attack Israel.

This conflict is visited with hyper inflation, plagues and disease, all happening simultaneously.

WW III will be all about getting rid of the Zionist Sabbatians (Igigi), the robotic intruders who have, since they were inserted into the Simulacrum, caused all wars, strife and conflicts, hiding behind those who think they are Jewish. Originally the Zionists were known as the IGIGI. Rothschild family being one of the group. The banking empire to fall and the narcissistic medical empire along with the whole corrupt system of systems. The final end to colonialism and fake Jews.

Then an event will occur that will shock the world awake, all those who took the mark of the beast will understand what they had done to themselves, and how they fell for this false saviour. This mark binds them to the beast with no escape. Without the operational tech, you can be switched off! They are tied to his fate and must support him against their will.

After the tribulations of these days, the sun shall be darkened and the moon shall not give her light.

MAY 2040 AD (Sixth Seal), the return of the Phoenix.

The year 5916 Annu Mundi is 2024 AD =11 years before the real false saviour.

15 years before an all out nuclear holocaust

16 years before Phoenix

22 years before Nemesis X returns.

It is my suspicion that whatever the inject-able technology was, apart from killing or maiming many across the world, this technology after 2040 AD won’t work because the technological infrastructure we now have wont work! Therefore, the injected substances will probably function differently in the next upcoming vapour canopy, the altered state of our biosphere?

The chaos emerging now is absolutely necessary to what comes next. This “NOW” idiocy is about to come to an end, bringing a false calm. The real time of trouble starts 2034, 10 years from now.

No fear. We are Tourists (Toroidal fields) vibrational fields with a spirit, going through a physical experience. A Mage made in the Image of, to become a developed novel personality, regarding reality as a friend. A Novelty of surprises!

The Greatest Story (N) ever Told

This painting is in part an extension to the series of the other previous eight (8) paintings.

Due to there being so much information which has a lot of extended knowledge’s belonging to them, it would be easier on uninitiated people to be capable of following the stream of information and see if it resonates with you.

Starting at the top left this painting beginning with the phoenix doing its thing above the three pyramids, off to it’s right on a parallel platform is the awaiting capstone. A lone rider leaving along a river that then extends downwards as a waterfall which merges behind and onto a platform with a castle with “normal” sized beings dotted around, from the castle over an extended bridge, upon which a Titan and a giant women stand peacefully and a little bewildered is the three coexisting aspects of a different biosphere that is capable of all three existing at the same time. (repeat of an era)

The titan holds a rope attached to a spring loaded trap, which has closed upon a scroll = forbidden knowledge. Does one dare to open the mind and become the inner Christ of Light? Many can’t accept this knowledge and some would go crazy.

Over to the right sits a man upon the pillow of Jacob with two crowns on the ground behind him=Changing of kings. Behind him are some scrolls and books=knowledge, adorned with an oak tree. Above that there is a platform with new/old adventures, obscure of details in the presentation because they are the ghosts of the past watching to see who achieves the goal of Light?

Centred are three balloons flying off into the distance, red=Red sun, Yellow=Yellow sun and the incoming Blue sun=blue balloon=Uranus, to the left of the balloons there is a single not so obvious eye in the sky. Many have their myths to the all seeing eye” This is our mother watching over us (God) some have the eye depicted with the phoenix. (Masons=Ma’s son or Mothers son who have also been infiltrated and corrupted, not all but to a high degree)

Quite an easy journey to follow if one has viewed the collection of eight paintings and their content.

However, one would also be helped to know of other things that help explain the broader picture, details few will part knowledge of.

In the book of numbers “0” is all potential, meaning all other numbers are conditioned. “0” is unconditional (love)

Zero “0” incorporates everything; to create an alternative is the beginning of a dual system which can be expanded upon. Hence why computer programming is compiled of “0’s” and “1’s”.

Numbers are a manifestation of a form of energy, much like a sign wave is connected to a colour which is music in the audible sense but also has a written form.

Take a 0 for instance, it is a complete geometric circle but if one interferes with another frequency, this can cause the 0 to alter its form, even bending or twisting it into a figure 8! Zero is the mother Godhead of unconditional love, pure light, not conditioned to be anything but love and balance.

An 8 is much like the zero in that it is an infinite loop with the exception that an eight has a crossover point where auras meet, In turn this crossover has a cause and effect aspect.

A Zero has no interference and is a pure circle of energy whereas eight is no longer pure; it’s another form of looping with different effects due to how the frequency flows and interact.

If you were to go outside and photograph the sun or moon at the same time every day you would witness that both travel in a figure eight between the tropic of Cancer and Capricorn!

Why is this important? The great pyramid is why, and probably other pyramids that were built by others. One has to also consider the biosphere at the times they were built.

Under a different biosphere the pyramids would have had a functioning technology.

One might conclude that the Mayer once completing their huge complex also completed their pyramid but were lacking any real knowledge as what to expect, in other words, they dabbled with technology with a disastrous outcome in that when it was activated, the cause, effect was that it evaporated them all. That’s why they all seemed to of up and went leaving no traces.

The great pyramid of Giza in Egypt is a different story, when this was completed which was under the very same biosphere conditions but at the centre of the earth mass, when that was switched on its caused an effect changing the frequency so much so that both the sun and moons path then travelled in a figure of eight looping instead of the circular looping.

However, many who have come before us have also recognised that we exist within a simulation; the pyramids were constructions to try and escape instead of being able to leave under the rules that are in place to exist within this experience.

This experience amongst many things to learn here, is to learn how to control and discipline oneself. This is why the Phoenix protocol was introduced to hold those types of peoples (elites) in check.

Nemesis X object does much the same as the phoenix but rearranges the game board and waters to an almost unrecognisable state.

When the Bells Toll

This painting looks calm with a red sky and rivers although mountain waterfalls are not polluted red.

An antediluvian world once more returns. Red sky and blood red rivers is described in the end-times, it is a result of the phoenix 2040 AD. An old remnant of a stone temple reaches up high on a mountain that was created with all the upheaval.

It’s a jungle like setting due to the now rising vapour canopy era.

Left is a man and women with a young daughter, stripped of the usual clothing as it is warm enough and the fact that the old infrastructures no longer function with many buried in mud. The child sits with some apples, an indication to lost knowledge.

The women looks lazily across the scene as the man is in conversation with her.

A bell hangs in a branch, “For whom the bell tolls”. Inferring that those who discovered the Christ within and have learnt what was could be learnt= self discipline, be thoughtful, love and keep balance to mention a few; the bell is a signal for them to receive their crown and leave.

The bell remains for the next group to endeavour their journeys until they too will one day leave the simulation.

The Moon Saturn matrix (+ Uranus.

Saturn is Sa-Turn. “Sa” is Soul and “Turn” infers looping, the “U” turn. Entering this simulacrum we come through the mother moon, if ready we can either leave the looping or reincarnate back into the simulacrum experience we call Earth/life.

Originally the Alphabet was very different, starting at A which used to be written the other way around, now it is upside down. The A in Egypt was the scarab, representing the mother (God is feminine) the scarab like so much was change to a crab=Cancer in Astrology. Astrology was created by the Greeks; it’s not that old but is quite significant in identifying similarities from observations.

“A” was singular. B, C, D were a grouping, there were three E’s which were another grouping. F,G,H,I, K, L were a grouping, M.N.O,P were another grouping, Q,R,S,T, U were the last grouping. That was the Alphabet; however a lot of knowledge is attached to this.

This alphabet however was aligned with Astrology and their signs more than anything. The clock in the plasma dome! Note how QRST when spoken sound like Christ? A is Cancer, U is Saturn.

We are now in what was known as “the furnace to make gold in the Tor of the purge” AKA purgatory, purging our torus which is our eternal soul, purging from the earth experience.

The age of Aquarius, note Aquarius is symbolised by two waves of water, this reveals the tight frequency of light. The wave becomes smaller as the frequency intensifies. The wave becomes smaller and smaller, faster and faster, it’s going to become so fast that it’s going to travel upwards.

I am referring to the suns path, it won’t make the usual loop but continue travelling upwards above the true north which is above the dome, once it gets there above the north, the sun will turn from the now white, to blue.

In the Hopi prophesy it says “the sun will dance in the plasma between the tropic of cancer and Capricorn” which creates the figure 8 in the sky as previously mentioned.

It goes onto say “ he shall go to the place he should not be” This talks about the summer solstice, instead of the sun going down by one degree, its going to keep on going up towards the middle=top centre of our sky dome. “Where it shouldn’t be”

It’ll continue a spiralled path so that we continue to have what is known as a day and night but they will become shorter as the sun climbs higher.

Eventually the sun in 2046 AD after the 2040 AD phoenix event although the shortening of days begins in 2040 AD after the summer solstice shows the sun had altered its path to continue upwards, creating shorted days and nights of 16 hours each. Now you know why they kept rebuilding the damaged Stonehenge and other monuments of time keeping!

This is the real reason for food shortages, illness and plagues and eventually a mental madness will also infect some peoples due to the high magnetism. The sun is already white and stings on the skin, this will intensify as it rises, creating a laser beam, making many areas much colder. A plasma beam can liquefy stone, earth etc., especially if there is water present; mud flooding is easy to reason. Explaining what we have found over the centuries. Earth Magnetic north on the compass has been moving towards Russia for years now; it travels around 5 miles per month! This is also causing disturbance right now.

The Egyptians knew about the construct and many that came before them. The Sa Turn, this is where the two become one, you either go back into the reincarnation loop or you ascend up out of here. Saturn is the final gate; Uranus will award the crown of light so as to leave.

Now to the crux of what most people have an issue with, not recognising why energy/frequency is relevant. As it is written, there will be the seven trumpets and bowls after the seven seals have been completed. Those trumpets will go off as the sun alters its path. These are the seven bowls.

This is easily explained by the seven main chakra colours. Red being the lowest of frequency wavelength (Red sun) yellow (yellow Sun) Green being the heart chakra which fluctuate to white and back=pulse. Blue is the throat (Blue sun) and finally purple which is our immortal connection to source. Each colour has a frequency wavelength; the further up you go the shorter and faster it is.

Heart=Love and balance, the scales of Ma-At. = Scales of the Great Mother.

The blue sun is also known as Arc Angel Michael (EL) Arcing is what electricity does. An arc is what occurs with electricity; Angel is a metaphor for Angle of light.

It’s your throat charka, that’s why it says “Christ will return with a great sword in his mouth” it’s once you tap into you true god power you’ll be able to speak things into manifestation, almost instantly, we can’t fathom that now because of where we are right now. Who could be trusted with such a power that you know of? That’s why the heart is the key and why we have to learn what control is, this world is run by a controlled system of systems! Like it or not, that’s what is being taught.

Sword with the “S” removed is Word. Words can cut and be harmful! As it says: Think before you speak!

When the sun goes above the magnetic north, it’s going to take off its mask. In Hopi prophecy that’s the “Black hole sun” “wont you come and wash away the rain” The bible says “there’s not going to be no oceans.

What happens is: When the sun removes its mask there’s going to be a blue ring around it and it’s going to be as black as sack-cloth in its inner. A powerful blue beam of light is going to come out of it (laser) above mount Meru which is the seed of the mother; the black sun in the middle of the earth, this blue light comes down and a greater blue light comes out of mount Meru (Great pyramid of Giza) and it stops the blue light from the sun hitting the ground.

This is the Excalibur story, this is the sword being removed from the stone, and this is the son (sun) of man coming back with the sword, Arc Angel Michael slayed the dragon. These are all stories of the sword killing the dragon.

The dome opens up, what you see is the constellation from the last time “Draco” The only reason we are told the pole star is Polaris is because it moves 47 degrees.

More to this part of the knowledge will be in the painting “I Mage in Nations =IMAGINATIONS”


You can see a much intermeshed landscape, everything connected, formed and forming, its all in the process of dispersing and emerging. Top left is the “Dream Catcher” holding its own significance to this realm.

Red, Gold and Blue hint at the Sun colours of the reset times.

Mushrooms relate to an ancient account to a man known as the lord of mushrooms, his name was also Jesus. Mushrooms are a whole subject unto themselves, some of this species are known to remove the conscious awareness and leave you in a whole collide-scope of possibilities, dangerous if ones mind snaps because it couldn’t handle it, much like written knowledge, its not for everyone’s liking.

Centre left is a platform with standing stone reaching out into the distance, stones of records=remembering, and instrument to time-keep.

Within the meshed blue background there are two spirals, one clockwise in its depiction, the other anti-clockwise=duality and a reset of the magnetism.

The mushroom type double structure on the left has two pillars and a stone with a hole in its centre. This is another way to present the two pyramids and the gateway out of here.

Below centre is the Scorpion, not only is it a creature that can endure being frozen, it can also walk upon a very hot stove, however, its mainly presenting October/November time of the crossover period of 2046 AD. The scorpion is upon a blue blank piece of paper, meaning one can’t see the names of the elect, it isn’t a written visible aspect, it’s something on the energy vibrational wavelength that is the knowing in this case!

Alpha and Omega signs: The Alpha is the “A”= the mother. The Omega is upside down but is Saturn, Sa-turn or the “U” turn. Moon Saturn matrix.

The bible says in Luke 21, acts 219: That the signs are in the heavens, the real word for heaven is not heaven, its Uranus.

So, in these times it says to watch Uranus. It is written the Great tribulations are seven years. The only wondering luminary with a seven year periodicity is Uranus. For thousands of years they have been saying Saturn is the ruler of Aquarius, now they say its both Saturn and Uranus, that’s because there is going to be a split in the time-line. Whoever follows the Trans humanist agenda, governments and wants to stay on the same trip, you’ll be in this reality, going back into the loop of reincarnation cycle staying in the Artificial X program. You’ll be back into the dungeon programming where Saturn will rule over you for approximately another 13,000 thirteen thousand years. Or, you can align yourself with the Christ within and go beyond the first eye (It’s not the third eye, it’s the first eye) and receive your crown. Even that knowledge has been inverted. Our first eye, not third eye!

You don’t have just seven chakras; they are like chapters in your book.

In the bible it says; “The lamb=lamp, the book of life has seven seals on the back of it” We are the book of life and the seven seals which are upon our backs. They are the seven chakras running down your spine, not physically, spiritually. It states “No man on earth, in heaven or under the earth can open the seals, and supposedly “Jesus” who was the son of man, can’t open them neither! It didn’t say Jesus neither; it said the Lamb of God which is actually the Lamp of God which is the light or the world which is the Christ within that is within you (us) We are the only ones who can open our seven seals that travel up our spine, our book of life.

Within those seven seals there are 144,000Nadi’s You/we have 144,000 Nadi’s = energy points in our bodies/avatars. The crown comes from the mother. The “X” chromosome is x1000; even the “X” chromosome in every body/avatar is x1000 both micro and macro weather you are male or female.

In the spiritual realm the mother is going to place that crown on you, which is your portal out of here.

As previously explained in the Seven seals, Seven trumpets painting “You’ll be given a white robe and a new name for those who over cometh” It is the same knowledge from a different vantage point.

Both refer to LIGHT!

The Christ within is actually all about a special oil we produce in our “Heads” close to the pineal gland, this oil travels down the spine and is pumped back up from the sacrum until it reaches a certain point where it crosses a special point (This is the crucifixion) and travels up until it touches the Pineal gland and enlightens you. This process happens every month in tandem with the moon cycles. If one doesn’t over use this oil which incidentally smells like fish, by too much sex, drugs or alcohol, then most of the oil will be returned. This is enlightenment of the first eye, your life-line connection of sorts. In reality the system has promoted everything to reduce you from having much of this Christus oil left! Again, responsibility and discipline are being taught in not so obvious ways. W We are building the inquisitive mind so to speak, one that doesn’t cures or will to do harm.

What has happened is, the whole process of who and what we are has been extracted and made to look as though it is everything happening outside of us yet once you know what I have conveyed in both the paintings and text, you’ll soon realise (REAL EYES) that everything is within, all the answers. The many places and description in the content of the bible are all found within the body/avatar, even the Jordan River!

Once more, one arrives at all the answers, they are within yet the external is a different way of learning within perceived experiences, within a place we call earth, it is a school beyond a doubt, one full of confusions at first however, as they say, “there is light at the end of the tunnel” Even that saying is telling us of the end of our spiritual journey because it’s our mother creator who gives us the crown to our light body to leave!

Also note: Most of the English language is based off of the maritime wording.

MARY TIME=to pair. Such as Leadership, relationship, partnership, scholarship. One calls a friend a Mate! The banking industry is full of it. Even Bank-In is where a ship/vessel comes upon the banks of land. Vessels are boats or veins! Blood-veins, gold-veins, speak in vein. Maritime is also from within; been taken to the external and used to produce the illusion we are immersed within.

Maritime or to Mary two beings is referring to pairing, making the duality a singularity= 0= unconditional love as is our mother source, pure light with no conditions attached.

0 is all potential; everything else has been given a condition attached to it.

Once we have mastered what we are here for, there are other places to go to and learn even more.

To condemn out of frustration is simply to humiliating oneself until an answer is found that rids of the condemnation. Forgiving oneself is recognition or redemption.


In Acts; 219/ it says “The sign is in Uranus”

In revelations 12; 1-9 it says “Upon her head are 12 stars” that is the constellation of Virgo. 12 stars is the constellation of Leo which sits above the head of Virgo. “She is clothed with the sun” that’s the return of the lion, the tribe of Judah which actually means, the tribe of light.

In the book of numbers it tells us that the tribe of Judah numbered 186.400. That just so happens to be the seed of light per second. So why would the tribe of Judah be the exact speed of light in a vacuum?

How did they know that? They’re not talking about a physical tribe of Judah as such; they are talking about the children of light, those that are actually going to receive their light bodies, what revelation calls a white robe.

“The moon is under her feet” Under her feet is Libra, the scales of justice. Then it goes onto say. The serpent has seven heads and ten horns. That’s the constellation Hydra; hydra has seventeen stars, consisting of seven main stars and ten other stars. That’s the seven heads and ten horns. Hydra is the largest constellation in the sky.

It says; its tail will swipe one third of the stars of heaven down with it. One third of the zodiac signs are four of them. Hydra goes from Cancer, Leo, Virgo and Libra. What they are talking about is, when this event happens, Cancer, Leo, Virgo and Libra are going to be on the horizon.

In the book of numbers; the signs are in the heavens, AKA Uranus. Uranus enters Leo May 16th 2040 AD. The moon shall be at her feet, the moon enters Leo the same day at 9.06 pm May 16th 2040 AD. The book of revelations gave us the Day, time and year.

“She shall be clothed with the Sun, that’s when the Sun Uranus returns to Virgo. Uranus is the new sun. That’s why it says our “Anu” or “Noose”. Noose is Sun; all the wondering stars are suns.

Venus is V-Noose. The sun/son of V. (V is a four in Roman numerals, 4 = foundation)

The wondering stars all have their own wavelength signature= Sign-wave. They beam down on mankind but we are not mankind, we/you are the Christ, the seeker, the errant! Mankind=the collective.

We have to remember, Re Member. Meaning, being a member again, we can’t go too far ahead of the pack because they are “us” and we are “them” We are here to Re-Member, to Re Pair = bring back together, bringing the pair back together again. “Duality back into singularity”.

That’s what the Age of Aquarius is.

“The moon under her feet is the moon in Libra (Justice Scales) and the sun Uranus must be in Virgo.

Uranus returns to Virgo October 6th 2045 AD then it retrogrades, meaning it goes backwards towards Leo on February 8th 2046 AD.

Uranus enters Virgo July 23rd 2046 AD. July 23rd is Leo, the first day of Leo.

This means, she is going to be clothed with the Sun, Uranus will be there in Virgo. Meaning heaven will be in the mother until 9-11, 2052 AD which is also the return of the dark satellite and return of the 7 Kings trilogy.

July 23rd 2046 AD and August 6th-7th, that’s the only window it can happen. Blue Kachina=Blue Sun = Nemesis X return.

One could suggest we are now decoding what we wrote the last time this happened. We are in a loop although many always make their exit and way out. We are our own ancestors who are within us.

We don’t have to worry about the show and all of the negative things that’ll be man made, our ancestors made it out otherwise I wouldn’t be writing this.

Uranus which is heaven enters the justice scales of Libra which are the scales of Ma-At = Great mother, (weighing the heart to the feather) arriving back in Libra on 9-11-2052 AD.

2040 AD to 2046 AD is 6 years, 2046 AD to 2052 AD is 6 years. 6+6=12=full circle 616 being the bibles “number of man. 1=light bearer. That's why the Olympiad has the light bearer! 666 is incorrect, a decoy or deception. If we go from October 6th 2045 to August 11th 2045 AD=7 years.


This painting is self explanatory, embedding the very substances of all the other paintings. Its a Spiritual journey of the Soul within a provided avatar =the boats/vessels, to travel through the simulacrum through the Moon Saturn loop until where you see some ribbons with no vessels attached, make their way out.

The white balls on ornate staffs with small particles coming off of them, is presenting the idea of energies seeking matching frequencies, pairing so to say.

The vessels have either a male or female symbols on the front, which all traverse the towering “Merry go round” of a melted landmass, actually taken from a real existing place.

To the left is a rock with a hole through it, indicating gateways. Below that is an opening in the rock where a very small figure is, waving to greet the next incoming souls.

At the centre bottom is a bridge that splits off into two roads. Inferring one is arriving form an unconditioned singularity into a conditioned duality.

At the base of the structure on the right you’ll see a lever, indicating there is a point where the ride/experience will be stopped so that some can get off of the merry go round.

A reset scenario set in the main colour of blue, until things settle enough so that the next stage of a reality can emerge.

2178 AD is the end of this simulation and the Great Reset.